Goffstown School District
Girls Varsity Basketball
Team News.
6.0 years ago @ 10:51AM
Last week of the Regular Season!!! Time to finish strong!
Monday February 19th - Practice (Prep for Windham) 4:15 - 6. Meet in the classroom.
Tuesday February 20th - Away Game @ Windham. Bus leaves at 3:15. Meet at 3:05. Dress in warm-ups.
Wednesday February 21st - Practice (Recovery/Prep for Timberlane) 3:30 - 5:30. Meet in Classroom.
Thursday February 22nd - Home Game/Senior Night vs. Timberlane. Meet at 5.
Friday February 23rd - Recovery Day - Get Ready for Playoffs!
Saturday February 24th - TBD
7.0 years ago @ 11:50AM
All Hands On Deck this week! Tons of games for Freshman, JV, and Varsity so we'll probably be asking people to help out in different ways to make it work.
Monday - Away Game @ Kearsarge. Ready to go at 3:05. Bus leaves at 3:15. DRESS TO IMPRESS!
Tuesday - Home Game vs. Hanover at 6:30. Team Meeting at 4:30.
Wednesday - Recovery/Pre-Game Practice. Film/Stretch/Shoot/Walkthrough. 3:30-5:00. Stay and support Freshman. Game starts at 5.
Thursday - Home Game vs. West. Meet at 5:00.
Friday - TBD
Saturday - "Swoll Saturday" 9 - 10:30.
7.0 years ago @ 8:51AM
Monday February 5th - 3:30 - 5:30 Pre-Game Practice: Film/Stats/Walkthrough/Shoot. Meet in classroom
Tuesday February 6th - Away Game @ Milford High School. Bus departs at 3:45
Wednesday February 7th - 3:30 - 5 Recovery Practice: Film/Stats/Stretch/Lift
Thursday February 8th - OFF
Friday February 9th - 3:30 - 5:30 Practice.
Saturday February 10th - 9 - 10:30 Pre-Game Practice
7.0 years ago @ 5:29PM
Monday January 29th - Practice 7:15 - 9:00. Meet in Classroom
Tuesday January 30th - Away Game @ Bow High School at 7 PM. Bus departs at 4 PM.
Wednesday January 31st - Recovery Day Practice Film/Stats/Stretch/Lift. 3:30 - 4:45
Thursday February 1st - Practice 7 - 9. Meet in Classroom
Friday February 2nd - Home Game vs. John Stark at 6:30. Meet for JV Game at 5
Saturday February 3rd - Recovery Day Practice Film/Lift - Time TBA
7.0 years ago @ 7:48PM
Monday January 22nd - Optional lift day.
Tuesday January 23rd - Whole program meet at MVMS to watch MS game - Time TBD.
Wednesday January 24th - Practice 3:45 - 5. Meet in classroom.
Thursday January 25th - Freshman Game @ 5. Practice Time TBD.
Friday January 26th - Practice 4 - 6. Meet in classroom.
Saturday January 27th - Practice Time TBD.
7.0 years ago @ 11:51AM
Monday 1/15 - Practice 12 - 2, Meet in the Classroom (Toughness Eval, Page 2)
Tuesday 1/16 - HOME GAME vs. Bishop Brady at 6:30 (In the gym at 5)
Wednesday 1/17 - Practice 4 - 6, Meet in the Classroom
Thursday 1/18 - Practice 4 - 6, Meet in the Classroom
Friday 1/19 - Away Game @ Portsmouth at 7. Bus leaves at 3:30
Saturday 1/20 - TBD
7.0 years ago @ 10:37AM
Monday - Practice 4 - 6 (Meet in the classroom)
Tuesday - Practice 4 -6 (Meet in the classroom)
Wednesday - Game @ Oyster River. Bus leaves at 3
Thursday - Watch Frosh Game 3:30 - 5
Practice 5 -6:30
Friday - Game @ Kearsarge. Bus leaves at 3:15
Saturday - Team Fundraiser Breakfast @ GHS cafe for Ashley Lynch 8 - 9
Team Lift 9 -10
7.0 years ago @ 12:50PM
Attention all interested in playing girls' basketball this winter! We have 3 open gyms scheduled for the remaining off-season. Remaining open gym dates are Wednesday November 8th and next week on Wednesday the 15th and Friday the 17th! Hope to see you there!