
Goffstown School District

Girls Freshman Basketball

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (13)

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 2/18/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for our final week(ish):

  • Monday 2/18/19: Practice from 7:30 - 9:00. Shoes on and ready to go by 7:15.
  • Tuesday 2/19/19: Practice from 3:00 - 4:15. Start "Get 50" as soon as possible.
  • Wednesday 2/20/19: Practice from 7:30 - 9:00. Shoes on and ready to go by 7:15.
  • Thursday 2/21/19: Home games vs Bishop Guertin.
    • Freshmen tip is @ 3:30.
    • JV tip is @ 5:00. Arrive for start of freshmen game.
  • Friday 2/22/19: JV Away game @ Dover. Game time is 5:00. Bus leaves @ 3:00.
  • Saturday 2/23/19: 1st Day of JV Tournament at Central. Game time is TBD.
  • Sunday 2/24 through Tuesday 2/26: Potential JV tournament games dependent on outcome of previous game(s).


The JV tournament schedule has yet to be sent out. I will update you as soon as I know more details.

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 2/11/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for the week:

  • Monday 2/11/19: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30. Start "Get 50" as soon as you can.
  • Tuesday 2/12/19: JV game @ Portsmouth. Tip off 5:30. Bus leaves @ 3:30. Meet in gym lobby by 3:15.
    • Freshmen: Practice 3:00 - 4:00. Start "Get 50" as soon as you can.
  • Wednesday 2/13/19: Freshmen Home game vs. Portsmouth. Tip off @ 3:30.
    • JV: Support the freshmen team, with optional lift to follow.
  • Thursday 2/14/19: JV Home game vs. Trinity. Tip off @ 5:00.
  • Friday 2/15/19: tentative practice from 3:00 - 4:30. Start "Get 50" as soon as you can.

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 2/4/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for the week:

  • Monday 2/4/19: Practice from 6:00 - 7:30. Shoes on and ready to go by 5:45.
  • Tuesday 2/5/19: Home games vs. Manchester Central
    • Freshmen game starts @ 3:30. Be ready as soon as you can.
    • JV game starts @ 5:00. Be in gym for start of Freshmen game.
  • Wednesday 2/6/19: Practice time TBD
  • Thursday 2/7/19: Practice from 6:00 - 7:30. Shoes on and ready to go by 5:45.
  • Friday 2/8/19: JV home game vs. Salem: Game starts @ 5:00. 
    • Freshmen TBD

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 1/28/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for the week:

  • Monday 1/28: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30. Start "Get 50" as soon as you can.
  • Tuesday 1/29: Home games vs. Exeter.
    • Freshmen Game starts @ 3:30.
    • JV Game starts @ 5:00.
  • Wednesday 1/30: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30. Start "Get 50" as soon as you can.
  • Thursday 1/31: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30. Start "Get 50" as soon as you can.
  • Friday 2/1: Games @ Bedford.
    • Freshmen Game @ 3:30. Bus leaves @ 2:30. Dismissal from class @ 2:15.
    • JV Game @ 5:00. Bus leaves @ 3:30. Meet in gym lobby by 3:15

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 1/21/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for the week. It's exam week, so we're trying to end early enough to allow you ample time to study and sleep. 

  • Monday 1/21: Practice from 6:30 - 8:00. Shoes on and in room 100 by 6:30.
  • Tuesday 1/22: Games
    • JV @ Windham. Game time is 5:00. Bus departs @ 3:15. Meet in gym lobby by 3:00.
    • Freshmen @ Merrimack. Game time is 3:30. Bus departs @ 2:15. Meet in gym lobby by 2:00.
  • Wednesday 1/23: Practice from 5:30-7:00. Shoes on ready to go by 5:15.
  • Thursday 1/24: Practice from 5:30-7:00. Shoes on ready to go by 5:15.
  • Friday 1/25: Games @ Pinkerton
    • Freshmen game starts @ 3:30. Bus departs @ 2:00, meet in gym lobby by 1:45.
    • JV Game Starts @ 5:00. Bus departs @ 3:15, meet in gym lobby by 3:00.
  • Saturday 1/26: Freshmen game @ Memorial. Game time is 10:00. Bus is schedule to depart @ 8:30. 

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 1/14/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for the week:

  • Monday 1/14: Practice from 6:00 - 7:30. Shoes on, ready to go @ 5:45
  • Tuesday 1/15: Practice from 6:00 - 7:30. Shoes on, ready to go @ 5:45
  • Wednesday 1/16: Practice from 6:00 - 7:30. Shoes on, ready to go @ 5:45
  • Thursday 1/17: Practice from 6:00 - 7:30. Shoes on, ready to go @ 5:45
  • Friday 1/18:
    • JV Home Game. Tip-off @ 5:00. Meet in Room 100 by 4:00.
    • Freshmen Practice time TBD.

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 1/7/19

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for the week:

  • Monday 1/7: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30. Start Get 50 as soon as you can!
  • Tuesday 1/8: Home Games vs. Concord
    • Freshmen: Tip off is @ 3:30. Be ready as soon as you can.
    • JV: Tip off is @ 5:00. Be in gym to watch Freshmen game.
  • Wednesday: 1/9: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30.
  • Thursday 1/10: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30.
  • Friday 1/11: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30.
  • Saturday 1/12 (optional): We've been invited to attend the UNH Women's basketball game as they face Stoneybrook. Game starts at 1:00 in Durham. If you are interested in going, we need to know ASAP in order to reserve your tickets!

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 12/31/18

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for the week:

  • Tuesday 1/1/19: Practice from 2:00 - 3:30. Shoes on, ready to go @1:40.
  • Wednesday 1/2/19: Games @ Winnacunnet
    • Freshmen game time: 3:30. Dismissal @1:30. Bus leaves @ 1:45.
    • JV game time 5:00. Bus leaves @ 3:15. Meet in gym lobby @ 3:00.
  • Thursday 1/3/19: Practice from 6:00 - 7:30. Shoes on, ready to go @ 5:45.
  • Friday 1/4/19: Home games vs. Keene
    • Freshmen Game @ 3:30
    • JV Game @ 5:00

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 12/17/18

Updated on 06/10/2022

Last week before vacation! 

Here's our schedule:

  • Monday 12/17: Practice 7:30-9:00. Shoes on, ready to go by 7:15.
  • Tuesday 12/18:
    • JV Game at Nashua North. Bus leaves at 3:45. Meet in gym lobby at 3:30.
    • Freshmen Workout from 3:00 - 4:30.
  • Wednesday 12/19: Practice 7:30-9:00. Shoes on, ready to go by 7:15.
  • Thursday 12/20: Practice 7:30-9:00. Shoes on, ready to go by 7:15.
  • Friday 12/21:
    • JV Game at Alvirne. Bus leaves at 3:45. Meet in gym lobby at 3:30.
    • Freshmen Workout from 3:00 - 4:30.
  • Saturday 12/22: Freshmen Doubleheader at Farmington High School. Games against Farmington and Kennett. Bus leaves at 9:30. Be in gym lobby by 9:15.


Vacation! (note that we will have a game on Wednesday 1/2/19, so we will be holding a practice on 1/1/19. Please enjoy your vacation time!)

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 12/10/18

Updated on 06/10/2022

Here's our schedule for this week:

  • Monday 12/10: Practice from 3:00 to 4:30. Meet in back gym and start Get 50 as soon as you can!
  • Tuesday 12/11:
    • JV Game at Londonderry. Game time is 5:30. Bus leaves GHS at 4:15. Meet in gym lobby by 4:00.
    • Freshmen Practice from 6:00 - 7:30 in main gym
  • Wednesday 12/12: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30 in main gym.
  • Thursday 12/13: Practice from 3:00 - 4:30 in main gym.
  • Friday 12/14: HOME OPENER vs. Merrimack! Freshmen game starts at 4:00. Meet in classroom at 3:15. JV players: Be at freshmen game for tip off!

JV/Freshmen Schedule for the week of 12/3/18

Updated on 06/10/2022

Hey all!

First things first, great start to our season! Coach Cass and Coach Bracy are excited to work with all of you this season. Below is our tentative schedule for the week:

  • Monday 12/3: (optional) Support MVMS game. Bus leaves GHS at 3:00 and will bring us back after the game.
  • Practice from 6:00 to 7:30. Be ready to warm up at 5:45.
  • Tuesday 12/4: Scrimmage @ Bishop Brady. Bus departs at 4:15. Need to bring your reversible and mouth guard.
  • Wednesday 12/5: Practice from 6:00 to 7:30. Be ready to warm up at 5:45.
  • Thursday 12/6: Practice from 6:00 to 7:30. Be ready to warm up at 5:45.
  • Friday 12/7: Practice to be determined.
    • Support Varsity for their home scrimmage against Memorial. Start time is 6:30. Great opportunity to support our program and see our offense and defense in action at a high level!
  • Saturday 12/8: (optional) Attend St. Anselm's vs. Bentley Game: Tip-off at 1:30.


"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."

-Colin Powell


Looking forward to a great week!

Coach Cass and Coach Bracy

Girls' Basketball Tryout Schedule 2018-19

Updated on 06/10/2022

The 2018-2019 season is nearly upon us and tryouts for GHS Girls' Basketball are right around the corner. Tryouts will be held from Monday November 26th - Wednesday November 28th. Below is the full schedule for all 3 days:

Tryout Schedule for 11/26 - 11/28


Monday -  
Grades 9/10   3:00 - 4:30
Grades 11/12 4:30 - 6:00
Tuesday -  
Grades 11/12   3:00 - 4:30
Grades 9/10   4:30 - 6:00
Wednesday -  
Combined 3:00 - 5:00
Player Eval Meetings 4:30 - 6:00



Register on FamilyID using the link:




You must be registered and have met with Beth for concussion testing in order to tryout. You will not be allowed to participate if this has not been done.

Gear-UP for the 2018 - 2019 on the Team Store

Updated on 06/10/2022

Basketball is right around the corner which means that it's time to Gear UP! Browse the team store and order your Goffstown Basketball team apparel today. The store will remain open until November 27th! Click the link to get your gear: GHS Team Store
