24 Hour Rule

Athletics can be an emotional endeavor and occasionally conflict will arise.  If you have an athletic issue concerning your student-athlete, please consider the “24 hour rule” – that is, please wait 24 hours before contacting the coach.  We have found that if all parties involved with an athletic conflict take time to reflect on the situation, the ensuing conversation will be based less on emotions and more on facts.  While the “24 hour rule” may not resolve your concern, it might prevent a misunderstanding from escalating into an adversarial situation. 

If after 24 hours you still feel that the situation merits attention, please follow the grievance procedures listed below …   

  1. The student-athlete should communicate concerns or issues first with the coach of that specific team.
  2. If the issue is not resolved from the coach/player meeting, the Head coach of the sport, if not part of the first meeting, will meet with the coach and player.
  3. The parent can enter into the conversation after the second communication if the issue remains unresolved.
  4. The Athletic Director will be invited to join the communication/meeting if the parent, head coach, team coach and player are not satisfied with the resolution.
  5. The final step to resolution of an issue will take place with the Principal, Athletic Director, Head Coach, parent and student athlete. 
